Finance: Directorate General of Taxes Stay Two Functions

Finance: Directorate General of Taxes Stay Two Functions - Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati reveal, the proposed elimination of legislative and judicial functions of the Directorate General of Taxes does not have a good reason.

According to Ani, the two functions are in fact did not exist in the power of the Directorate General of Taxation. "Directorate General of Taxation today is more on implementation, I am worried that there input consequence of the lack," he said after opening a painting and photo exhibitions in the framework of the Financial Day 63 at the Tax Directorate General Headquarters on Monday (2 / 11).

Finance minister continued, the legislative function of tax policy as tariff setting has been under the authority of Finance and even some of the other rules made by the approval of the House of Representatives (DPR). "Because all tax legislation and forever polecy must always be stated in the State Budget Act. It's not dikresi or authority of the Director General of Taxes. Directorate General of Taxation only implement what was decided in the Income Tax Act, VAT, KUP and Budget Act," he said.

As for the authority of the judiciary in resolving tax disputes have now been completely under the Supreme Court through the Tax Court. "This is still facilitated by us. That is why the Supreme Court, about the tax court was not entirely, but gradually the Supreme Court if it wanted to do (please diverted overall) is now about a tax court judge, about the appointment, setting his career, it was all arranged MA. So it has been separated, "he said.

Previously, one of the recommendations of the National Summit 2009 is to eliminate legislative and judicial authority the Directorate General of Taxes is expected to be more focused in its function of collecting taxes. "So I saw these entries, there are misunderstandings about the concept. Right now it implementer Directorate General of Taxation, but there are still kebratan appeal in DGT," he concluded.


Inspirasi Pemuda said...

masalah ini agak ribet ya gan.. butuh saling percaya untuk menyelesaikannya.. susah deh.. :)

Unknown said...

salam sahabat
ehm bila bisa di jalankan dengan baik otomatis siip ya,,good posting thnxs

belajar seo said...

Problem in indonesia !!! ...