Tax Revenue in East Java Push Target

Tax Revenue in East Java Push Target
Tax revenue in the Regional Office of Directorate General of Taxes in East Java during 2009 exceeded the target set. Head of Extension Services and Public Relations Office of the Directorate General of Taxes Java Yusuf Kurniawan explains, until December 29, 2009 updates receives the amount of tax has crossed USD 10.426.517.680.000.

"Though our target Rp 9,723,236,690,000," said Joseph, Saturday (2 / 1).

From the resulting value, he said, it can be concluded that the realization of tax revenue in East Java reached 107 percent of the expected target with 15.81 percent growth compared to 2008 revenues. Joseph added that revenue comes from four types of taxes, ie Income Tax (Income Tax) non-oil, Value Added Tax (VAT) and Value Added Tax on Luxury Goods (PPnBM), other taxes and PIB, Earth Building Tax (PBB) and Bea Land Rights Acquisition and Building (BPHTB).

According to Joseph, the tax revenue targets were exceeded thanks to the hard efforts of the officers either through counseling, extensification, intensification and billing. One of the efforts of the window opening towards the end of 2009 at the Post Office or the Bank's perception of the original 0800 until 12:00 into 08.00 - 15.00.

In addition officers are also reminded that the Annual Income Tax forms are no longer sent, but can be taken at the DGT's office. Taxpayers to also reminded to report and pay the deficiency tax payment before the due date.

In the coordination meeting on December 9, 2009, said Joseph, has been known that the achievement of tax revenue until the end of November amounted to Rp 9.2 trillion, or 95.43 percent. "And at the end of the year amount to Rp 10 translucent trillion.


gadgets said...

yeaah...aman terkendali..., ganti...

Sohra Rusdi said...

tax wih I dont Understand Friend

insanitis37 said...

trims klunjungannya..salam kenal!! Semangat..