Game "in the Tax Court

Game "in the Tax Court - Vice Chairman of Commission XI of DPR RI Harry Azhar Azis said the State Audit Agency (BPK) indicated a lot of "game" in the settlement of tax cases in the Tax Court.

"From the results of investigations carried out BPK audit indicated the existence of` game `committed individual to troubled companies in the Tax Court to about 76 percent," Harry Azhar Azis said the House of Representatives of Indonesia, Jakarta, on Friday.

According to him, from the day of the BPK audit results also indicated the existence of six companies that became the object "game" elements in the Tax Court.

BPK audit results, he said, if true indicates that the process of settlement of tax cases in the Tax Court has reached an alarming condition.

Tambunan Gaius-publicized case shows the number of "game" in the Tax Court.

"Conditions like this should be stopped either by improving the rule of law or by replacing the relevant officials to improve their performance," said Harry Azhar.

According to him, the national parliament will improve the rule of law in wetting the revised legislation.

Golkar Party politician is added, the Parliament also invited the new DGT namely Fuad Rachmani to work together to improve the performance of the Tax Court.

"BPK audit results is to be one agenda at a meeting in the House of Representatives Commission XI on Monday (24 / 1) future. After adea decision of the Commission XI, later I will explain again," he said.

Harry Azhar added, signaled the number of "game" in the Tax Court indicated that the implementation of remuneration in the Ministry of Finance which reached a six-fold not give significant effect.