Collection of Property Tax Seminar

Collection of Property Tax Seminar. Ministry of Finance organized an international seminar themed challenges in property tax collections to find solutions and improve the property tax policy in Southeast Asia, East Asia and South Asia.
"This issue is a hot theme for exchanging experiences about the practice done in the collection of property tax in their respective countries," said Director General of Fiscal Balance Marwanto Harjowiryono Ministry of Finance in Jakarta

The seminar was organized jointly by the Institute of Indonesian-German Technical Cooperation (GIZ) and the support of the International Tax Compact (Germany) and the Australian-Indonesia Partnership for Economic Governance (AIPEG, AusAid).

This two-day seminar participants numbered about 100 people who came from Bangladesh, the Philippines, India, Indonesia, Cambodia and Nepal, as well as representatives from a number of donors involved.

Marwanto said the seminar will conduct in-depth discussion of the technical aspects of the property tax collection, such as the support of information technology in tax administration, the role of property valuation and preventing evasion or tax avoidance practices.

"The discussion is expected to lead to the conclusion that objective so that it can be used as inputs in the refinement of policies on property taxes," he said.

Property taxes in Indonesia known as Bea Acquisition Rights to Land and Buildings (BPHTB) and the Land and Building Tax Rural and Urban Development (UN-P2), which was previously a tax levied on the Directorate General of Taxation.

However, based on Law No. 28 of 2009, the central government transferred responsibility for the collection of property taxes to the district / city. The transfer BPHTB starting January 1, 2011 and the UN-P2 gradually slowest since January 1, 2014.

Marwanto expect this seminar infromasi exchanged with other countries, especially the United Nations transfer-related challenges perceived P2 is still slow and minimize the risk of failure in the process.

"The idea is based on the theory of taxation can be used to analyze whether the strategic steps taken by Indonesia in an effort to accelerate the transfer of UN-P2 a local tax is right," he said.

1 comment:

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