Eight right Counterfeit Cigarette Manufacturers Excise

Peacock Madya KPPBC actions against vehicles that includes the results of fake tobacco excise tax ribbon.. During 2009, the Directorate of Prosecution and Investigation Office of Customs and Excise had secured a lot of things. In addition to the narcotics catch up 76 percent compared to last year, Admiral KPPBC Peacock also find abuse that allegedly banderole 8 involving tobacco companies.

As written in a press release from the Directorate General of Customs, Tuesday, November 17, 2009, the Directorate P2 Office of Customs and Excise with Admiral Peacock KPPBC on November 7, 2009 has made prosecution of a vehicle that carries a charge.

From there it is known that the tobacco is loaded with a ribbon attached is not entitled to tax (one personalization) and non banderole allotment (one allotment).

"The results of these tobacco originated from East Java to be brought to the island of Sumatra," said Director Thomas Sugijata in P2 Customs and Excise Office, Tuesday, November 17, 2009. Of enforcement is obtained goods resulting from enforcement of the 301,551 packs the equivalent of 4,824,816 trunk.

Damages for breach of these countries is estimated to reach USD 1:13 billion. These violations allegedly Involving produses as 3 tobacco companies and 5 companies that sell them cigarettes excise ribbon.
Until now the investigation is still conducted on the development of these violations and other actions in accordance with the provisions in the field of customs.

Director General of Customs and Excise Anwar said the result Suprijadi this discomfiture, believed to be the number of false banderole circulating in the field drastically reduced. This is what makes allegations of tax revenue from the increase.

He gives an example for tax revenues in Central Java and Yogyakarta area increased 15.93 percent or about 1.3 trillion for the period from March to October 2009 If compared to the same period the previous year.

"The average increase in production of tobacco per year is 7 percent, this means 8.93 per cent or 730 billion is due to an increase in the eradication of false banderole network.


hendrie k_bejo said...


dukdukmonk said...

both are equally harmful to humans

Gadgetsku said...

great blog thanks for sharing,Good luck..