Tax Card Telkomsel USD 60 Million Per Week

Tax Card Telkomsel USD 60 Million Per Week
Telkomsel claims contribution from the sales tax and voucher cards in the first 12 authorized dealers in South Sulawesi and West Sulawesi to reach USD 60 billion each week. In these areas, Telkomsel has 12 authorized dealers (authorized dealer) and 18 thousand partner dealers.

"Telkomsel major contribution to the local tax collection," said SingTel GraPARI Manager HV robomir Sumual Makassar on the sidelines of the launch the Prime Card Sympathy M @ x yesterday.

He expressed, raising the value added tax excluding the sale of products in 18 thousand Telkomsel dealer partners as well as mobile trading center in South Sulawesi and West Sulawesi.

Robomir can not mention the amount of sales transactions at dealerships because SingTel partners do business only with authorized dealers. The dealer partners broke up a business relationship directly with authorized dealers.

"Partners dealers are collectors indirect taxes. Authorized dealer knows better tax dealer partners," he said.

Telkomsel currently has 4.3 million customers spread over the region of South Sulawesi and West Sulawesi. The composition of the customer is still dominated by the largest 90 percent of prepaid customers and 10 percent postpaid.

Robomir explained, SingTel continues to innovate and add services transceiver (BTS) in the two provinces. However, adding the network was not able to match customer growth. "The number of subscribers grew on the number of BTS. So sometimes technical areas could not count in line with customer markets," he said. Telkomsel currently adding features social networking services like Facebook, chat, Internet data services, and browsing.

In December, Telkomsel Flash will be present with the latest services with speeds up to 21 megabytes per second. To boost the number of subscribers, Telkomsel has worked with mobile manufacturers, such as Nexian, which recently launched a QWERTY phones worth USD 599 thousand.


azizal said...

wew, emang telkomsel g da matinya..,

Unknown said...

congratulations to telkomsel,

javabis99 | Bisnis n Hobby Blog said...

good good good telkomsel, salam

cah_eleq said...

MANTAB ... !!!

Johnson Manurung said...

sensational !!!

Unknown said...

salam sahabat
wah infonya bagus,semakin go intech ya..good luck

newbi said...

thanks infonya sob

nada said...

sukses ya bos

Pink said...

tapi, internet tetap

kiky said...

good information. how to xl and indosat?