Six modes of Tax Embezzlement - From tracking tax evasion case undertaken by Gaius Tambunan or cases that revealed the former head of Bareskrim Komjen (Pol) Susno Duadji, police concluded that there are six modes of tax evasion had been done.This was disclosed by Chief of Police General (Pol) Bambang Hendarso Danuri in a hearing with the House of Representatives Commission III on Monday (4/26/2010). "It is known, the case of tax realtor done simultaneously," said Bambang.
The six modes are, first, the mode involving tax consultant, a second mode involving state income tax payers to zero. Then, the third mode involves tax officials. The fourth mode involves tax consultant dark. The fifth mode is done by withholding tax assessments. The sixth modes by SPP and fictional assessments like taxes are deposited into a bank.
Meanwhile, based on examination of SJ, the police have come to the position of two cases, namely to do with an indication of the principal investigator, prosecutor, and the pretrial. Second, the case of PT Arwana.
keep smiles uncle bedjo.. support u blog, forever more and happy ending. together us one. smiles 4 u forever more.
Berkat Rahmat Tuhan YME, akhirnya lagu aku bercama CS band telah rampung selamat mendengarkan...
guns of tax paid what the world, people eat tax money taxes, just give money to the poor
Nice info friend ! Visit to my blog !
nice to info sob...salam sukses selalu
klo ngomongin masalah pajak, jd suka inget kasus dikita baru" ini :D
he.. artikel yang bagus sob, lam kenal
wah bica pajak kewajiban atau???
fatloss got vat too?.... nice info. thanks
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